Sunday 26 January 2014

Truth and Tips on the Future of Dating

This week we viewed two very different projects on the future outlook of dating in our society. They both got us thinking about what it is like to be single in the 21st Century.

Five Dating Truths Hidden in “35 and Single”

"35 and Single," is a short film produced by the New York Times and created by Paula Schargorodsky, an assistant director from Argentina. The film depicts a single woman's take on life in your mid-thirties without a partner.

5. Settling Is Difficult For Everyone
Settling is just as hard for women as it is for men. We're often lead to believe that men are the only ones who want to maintain their freedom. Of course, this view is completely sexist. Women have the same amount of anxiety about handing over their life to another human as men do.
4. Pressure is Universal
The pressure to get married is universal. Anyone over thirty feels the pressure to get married, no matter the culture. I like her description of a 'conservative curtain.' Ignoring the curtain is difficult, but dancing in front of it will always be a spectacle that others admire. 
3. "If you look for perfection, you are in trouble, you won't find it."
Great advice from Dad. You're not perfect, so why expect it in others.
2. The Gypsy Life is Pretty Sexy
The footage she chose is inspiring on its own. Everyone loves to share their favourite moments on Facebook, but this woman has truly been blessed with a full life. If you ever get a chance to pack up your things and work from a suitcase - Take it!
1. "Happiness is a choice."
A beautiful lesson to end the film with. You alone are in charge of where your life will take you. Ironically this same lesson is echoed in "Her," when Amy Adams chooses to include 'joy' over complacent comfort.

5 Dating Tips Hidden In “Her”

Directed by Spike Jonze, this film is a glimpse into a future society where dating an operating system becomes an acceptable form of interaction.
5. Dead Cats
If you ever have a sexy conversation with another human being and they suddenly mention a dead cat, hang up the phone (or pull that little weird earbud out of your ear).
4. Naming Your OS
As soon as you give your operating system a name it gets weird. Take Siri for example. When you start spending time thinking of weird questions to ask your phone, things have started to derail. Let's keep it real folks. Our computers are there to help us navigate our lives, not become part of them.
3. Gaming
In the future, attractive young single women will find video games sexy. Till then, keep your love for Halo on the DL.
2. Setting
The future looks a lot like the Los Angles of 2014. I hate to say it, but a little George Lucaseque CGI work would have been a nice added touch to the landscapes. If you're gonna make your setting a utopian urban landscape, add some impressive new features.
1. Three is Not a Charm
Inviting a third party into your relationship will only make it awkward. Keep it simple. Just you and your OS. ;)

Bonus Lesson: Less Tongue

If you are ever lucky enough to make-out with Olivia Wilde, go easy on the tongue.

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